
Tutorials on Rayne

I just want to give you guys some more info on Rayne, seeing as how I've gotten a few requests to do some makeup looks on her. Rayne is 15 years old, and she's the daughter of some friends of my parents. She hangs out at my house sometimes when her parents are at work or busy. I've done 2 videos with her in them, click HERE to see How To: Make Thin Lips Appear Fuller on Rayne, and click HERE to see Old Hollywood Makeup  on Rayne. Here are a few pictures I took of the finished Hollywood look on her, so here ya go! (btw, she wiped the red lipstick off in the last picture)


Neutral Smokey Eye

Hey guys! This is what I came up with for a neutral smokey eye. The reason I did this was because I recieved a message from a girl who needed some help with eye-shadow colors. I couldn't really tell her exactly what colors would look good on her, and I definitely couldn't tell her how to feel comfortable with those colors. So, I decided to do a neutral smokey eye, safe for all eye colors. Click HERE to see that video; here are some pictures of the look. By the way, Brendon starts school in October, so now we need to find him a place by then. I don't want him to stress about school, a job, money, and finding his own place. It's just too much.


If you don't dispose of stress properly, it will pile up and overtake your life.

I'm hitting up some clubs this weekend! I really really need to have a good time, I've been doing nothing but stressing for the past 2 months. My boyfriend, Brendon, recently got kicked out of his parents house. We're both in college, and now he needs a place to stay until he can get his own place. At first, I thought it would be great-- but we've been fighting A LOT since he moved in. Sad thing is, he's only been here for about 2 weeks. I'm not sure what to do. He works all day every day, while I'm trying to juggle school, the hair extension line Medusa's Locks, and now him and his clothes and trying to find him a place to rent. The cheapest place I've found so far is $310 monthly, in the ghetto of our town. It's not really bad, but I haven't been able to contact the landlord because I lost his number for the second time! Nothing seems to be working out, so I hope this weekend is great. It's Brendons birthday Saturday, so I'm hoping we'll gave a make-up night. :) Anyways, I did a makeup look for the Club, since I'll be dancing the night away come Saturday. Hope you enjoy<3 Love you guys


Medusa's Locks

So, as most of you know-- if you watch my videos on Youtube-- I'm representing an upcoming hair extension line Medusa's Locks. Medusa's Locks are 100% Premium Remy Human Clip-In Hair Extensions. They come in most common hair colors, and even if you can't find your EXACT match-- they're completely DYE-ABLE! Also, they're 150grams-- some of the thickest extension on the market! I personally wear these hair extension every day. I feel extremely honored to be the first girl to own a set of these hair extensions. The cool thing is: there are only 22 grand-opening sets! If you order within the first 2 weeks that the website is running-- you will own a set of the first extensions made by Medusa's Locks! I don't know about you, but I think that's pretty awesome. Only 22 people will have the first-made sets. Aaanyways, I'll give you guys more info on the website when it is up and ready to sell the first sets. Here is a picture of what the first 22 set's packaging will look like. When all of those sets are completely sold out, the color of the packaging will be different. The first picture is the back of the packaging, and the second is the front on the packaging. Notice that it consists or purple and lime green. Also, check me out on the back of it! Isn't that exciting?!
Thanks so much for reading my blog, guys! Love you!


As long as we live, we must remain true to ourselves.

I've been sososo busy lately, trying to get enrolled back in school this semester; applying for as many financial aid programs and scholarships as possible. I've recieve two scholarships so far, and I believe that that's all I'll be able to get. Now I'm just hoping for financial aid. I've been getting a tooon of questions as to how I make money while in college. Well, one- I do odd jobs. Two- I sell hair extensions :) You guys will be getting more info on that as time goes on. Anyways, here are some pictures from a hair tutorial I did yesterday. I felt inspired by the Spartacus series. If you haven't seen it, definitely check it out. I plan to wear my hair like this on the first day of classes; I think first impressions are very important. Anyways, if you haven't checked out the tutorial, here is a link :)   CLICK HERE


Leo Make Up

Hi guys! Thanks for stopping by. This is the look I created for the Leo Make up tutorial :) If you like it, you can watch a step-by-step tutorial by clicking HERE. I'm including a picture of Fifi, my dog-- this picture of her is soooo cute!

Love ya,


Libra Makeup

Here is the Libra makeup look. Check the tutorial out! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nqLrupMPP_w



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My name is Frankie Simones. I am a full time college student in the southern portion of North America. I want you all to see what I have to say and what I think. I'm capable of many things, but I want to express myself in forms of art, writing, and fashion.